Hey Reader,
Fall flu and cold season has arrived. My kids classmates are swarming with germs, not my kids of course though : )
Catching a cold and getting sick can feel like a setback right?
You’re staying on track with your goals, feeling like a fitness rockstar, and then bam, life happens. You got sick, like I did last weekend or maybe you missed a workout or two?
Or maybe you had a weekend that was...
Let’s just say, nutritionally adventurous. : )
We’ve all been there and it’s tempting to throw yourself a pity party (don’t worry, I’ve RSVP’d to a few of those myself).
But here’s the kicker...setbacks don’t erase your progress.
Two things can be true (yes, again!) You can stumble and still be making headway. I mean, unless you’re actively trying to win an award for “Most Perfect Human Ever,” it’s okay to trip up now and then.
When I was laid up last weekend "resting". Some might say I ate too much Pumpkin Pie. Especially since I had to limit my workouts and movement. What a bad example I am!
Or maybe I made a decision to eat more sweet creamy Pumpkin Pie than my caloric need for the day. I used to feel shameful about this in the past because I replayed my actions and wished I made a different choice.
Forget all that self loathing! I made a decision and I was happily accepting the consequences. Oh wait, there wasn't any consequences.
I felt better the next day, jumped back into my normal meal prep and eating routine, wallll-ah!
Remember our “two things are true” mantra, you can have "setbacks" and still be on track. You can be a busy parent with a zillion things on your plate and keep inching toward your goals. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about making peace with those imperfect moments.
The Myth of Perfect Progress
I would love to tell you that progress is this smooth, glamorous highway, but let’s be real, it’s more like one of those wonky carnival rides that questions how valuable your life is.
A little bumpy, and sometimes "control" drops out from under you and you free fall 20ft.
But guess what? You’re still on the ride. Yes the carny might be drunk at this very moment but you will touch grass once again.
Think of these bumps as life's way of reminding you that you’re human.
It’s like a gentle nudge saying, “Hey, don’t get too cocky.” And that’s okay. You’re still moving forward, and, spoiler alert, that’s what really counts!
So, here’s my challenge for you this weekend:
The next time you feel like a setback has thrown you off course, remind yourself it’s temporary or it's not actually a setback at all. Get back on track with your next workout, your next meal, or even just drinking a glass of water to wash down that last slice of pizza.
You’re still moving forward!
Lift Life!
Coach Z
P.S. Looking to get in shape? Let’s sit down for a no-strings-attached strategy session and sketch out a roadmap for your health journey. Just shoot me a message saying “Strategy Session,” and we’ll take action.
P.S.S. Any nagging questions or problems you're struggling to solve in your health and fitness lifestyle? Reply back and tell me about it. I would love to make a video helping you out.